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Go Canucks!
Message Board > General Chitchat > Go Canucks!
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Budd Buttuzzi Ahem... care to jump BACK ON THE BAND WAGON YOU PANSIES?? - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:19am
Kevin Seconds I hate sports. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:42am
Anonymous who are the Canucks? football? - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:49am
Anonymous 8 in a row, YEAAHHHHH. Didn' t know I was off the bandwagon, but whatever. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 12:58am
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Its been a bumpy ride - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 3:10am
Canucks lick bag Dont worry, they still got the rest of the season to piss it all away, like they do every year. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 2:27pm
RSBF GO HABS GO! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 2:34pm
AC Gallows
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Ive been on this shit wagon for awhile. Its nice to wash off and enjoy some sunshine....... - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 2:38pm
shar nice rsbf,very patriotic of you!
HABS fucking RULE - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 3:29pm
RSBF i'm a HABS fan through and through - when they suck ass i love them EVEN MORE!!! we need another Cup though........ they could do it if they got my baby Roy back ; ) - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 3:50pm
LES Habitantes French Canadians are all bisexual. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 4:03pm
Mark Wallace
Mark Wallace
Mark Wallace
ilikemymeatraw *at*
Messages Posted:
whatever man, the canucks havent licked for 3 years now, look at the budget they work with! they're top notch - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 4:09pm
Don Cherry Blind people that dont follow hockey always say the same thing. Anyone who has been watching the Canucks realize that the team is a completely NEW team over the last few years so the old "Ahh the same OLD Canucks will fall again.." is making a statement that makes no sense, because it isnt the SAME old Canucks with the exception of relative newcomers Naslund and Ohlund. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 4:18pm
Masturbating The War God
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Habs or Aves...
Death to Detroit!! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 4:25pm
Zaner I went to the NUCKS vs WINGS game on Nov 22nd with my Dad, a die hard WINGS fan. We got right shitfaced as is proper when attending a hockey game. Times were good, my Dad wore his WINGS jersey and took a lot of heckling. NASLUND IS THE KING!!!!! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 4:57pm
Ike We have to get Tony Tanti back as a flaming trampoline mascott, get Bertuzzi wearing cooperalls, the Twins on a few cycles of roids and a half ounce of speed for Naslund. Then the team would really rock. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 5:28pm
Ike And cheerleaders - like Carolina has (only good looking). And bottled beer to throw at the Rangers - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 5:31pm
shar rsbf,
i agree with you completely, we need roy back! soo bad!!!
yeah habs are fuckin rad...every other team doesn't matter next to the habs. another cup would be nice...i think that i would cry - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 6:36pm
Ike Of course you would cry; Habs fans are babies. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 7:44pm
LES Habitantes French Canadians are ALWAYS crying about soemthing! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 8:15pm
Ian Canucks suck! Try Montreal! - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 8:46pm
Frank Mahovolich HOCKEY FUCKING SUCKS VEINED AND SWOLLEN BLOOD BOMBER(and likes it.) - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 8:49pm
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If you were born and raised here and aren't a Canucks fan you can get the flying fuck outta my province you bandwagon jumping, sell out traitor motherfuckers. What the fuck are you looking at fatso? - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 9:59pm
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haven't fallen off any bandwagon, just making the statement that the Canucks happen to have the best record of all the Canadian teams, and the third best record in the whole league..just an observation though. - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 10:55pm
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Shit I've been crying in my beer since 1980 when they couldn't win a game even if the other team didn't show up. Anything is good after those days....... - Thu, 28 Nov 2002 11:45pm
Turd Buddfloozie Golf time! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 2:13am
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hey les habitantes, that's it, wanna fight?!
fuckin A, it's go time!
hey ross are you implaying that i am fat? that's it, wanna fight?! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 10:17am
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wouldn't want you to fill your diaper you pig. take it wasy bandwagon, it's almost Christmas. - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 11:30am
LES Habitantes French Candians always try and settle their disputes with mindless blundering fisitcuffs. - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 12:35pm
shar well yeah, it gores without saying, but then everyone else is a whiney bitch that couldn't take a "fisticuff" from us hab fans - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 12:53pm
Anonymous Fuck the Habs....theyre Washed...Roy is a wife beating little freak. - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 1:05pm
joe schmoe Fuck all of you hockey loving assholes. Get a fucking life. Oh ya, you all suck ass too! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 1:11pm
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You mean besides being the greatest goalie to ever live? Uh-oh, here we go....... - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 1:12pm
Johnny Black Mark my words, the 'Nucks will win Lord Stanley's mug this year!!!!! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 2:58pm
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I just fell in love with you...... - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 3:00pm
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aww ross, you are so cute to have such high hopes, i just pray that it's not my sholder that you will be crying on when they once again LOSE! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 3:22pm
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That's what beers are for. I guess they'll have to meet up with the Habs a few weeks sfter the season is over for a few rounds of golf, seeing as the Canadiens will be teeing off the morning after their last regular season game. - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 3:26pm
RSBF GO HABS GO! shar, i have no idea why i'm being so quiet through all of this............ other than GO HABS GO - GO HABS GO - GO HABS GO - ROSS B AY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 3:28pm
Ike Hey, I just checked the score of the Habs/Bruins Matinee game. The worthless Habs lost 4-2. Crying shame that is. Go Canucks! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 3:56pm
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Worthless. Absolutely worthless. Go HABS the fucking first tee that is. Y'all's some bitches n' shiiii..... - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 4:03pm
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ross, i'm telling ya, if ya keep with em fightin words, you're gonna be shanked by me and rsbf in some undisclosed parking lot. don't think that i won't.
hey, back up plan: if both vancouver and the habs lose (which is a likelyhood) lemme in on those sob beers eh?
GO HABS!!!! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 4:51pm
RSBF shar, let's just do it anyway..... name a place and time. - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 5:06pm
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rsbf, what shank ross, or drink some beers together? either way let's do it! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 10:04pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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5-3!!!!!! Cant stop the Canuck wave now sistas! - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 10:26pm
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I can't believe it, 9 in a row with a small market budget! bout' them Rangers...hehehe - Fri, 29 Nov 2002 11:35pm
Areo fucking eh!!!

canucks rule!! - Sat, 30 Nov 2002 2:28am
Hi How Are Ya Whale Eat Stupid Cat For Dinner! - Sat, 30 Nov 2002 3:49pm
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oh ya bub! 10 in a row...and the Habs lost again. You really should support the Canucks, our goaltender is French Canadian you know! - Sat, 30 Nov 2002 10:39pm
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Best team ever. All we gotta do is go 35 games without losing like the Flyers in 74 or whenever when Quinn coached 'em. Yeah that'll happen. Number 11 coming up tomorrow night bitches. Y'all aint gots ta hate.....whateva need to sit down bitch. Y'all don't know me.......whateva..... - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 1:50pm
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Once upon a time long, long ago, two Swedish sisters came to Vancouver to try their hands at hockey. Their names were Danielle and Henrika. They weren't alone however, because they had a countrywoman over here already. Her name was Markus. Their goaltender, Danielle Cloutier was known to lose her temper from time to time (letting in goals from the redline in the playoffs will do that to you), so markus advised the twins to "stay away from her". Upon entering the Canucks locker room for the first time, the twin sisters were appalled to see the first ever sasquatch in captivity. Oh, sorry that was just Todd Ber-overrated-tuzzi. Upon regaining their senses, the twins were introduced to the rest of the girl scouts..errr "team". There was Ed "duhh, me play hockey good" Jovanovski, Trevor-I-used-to-be-half-decent Linden and Matt "gutless pussy" Cooke. Upon taking to the ice for pre-game warm-up, the sisters found that their tutus and leotards were a little too revealing. Furthermore, their tutus and leotards did not match that of the rest of their fairy-like teammates. The sisters were devastated. Crushed. And so they returned home to Sweden, taking the entire miserable excuse for a hockey team the Canucks are with them, to speak of the days when the bandwagon was full if not overflowing, when Vancouver had an acceptable hockey team. Days, memories, never to be seen or heard of again. Bitch. - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 8:24pm
.. the franchise record goes to the penns at 17 straight wins - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 10:15pm
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ross, you can keep dreamin, it's kinda cute you've got such high hopes. make sure that you have a liver left for when the canucks lose is all i ask. - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 10:23pm
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---sniff--- it's all I have................ - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 10:41pm
I'll see you, In Hell There will be no room on the T.O.M.L. bandwagon pretty soon.
GO Leafs Go! - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 10:48pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Last I checked I saw an empty wagon with blue and white jerseys discarded everywhere with the faint scent of disappointment. And for you Habs fans, M.C. jerseys are being sold on Ebay for $2 currently. Im gonna pick some up. Ill need some rags to sop up the celebration champagne when Lord Stanleys Cup finally takes up residence in our beautiful province..... - Sun, 1 Dec 2002 11:04pm
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Well sentencedtoburn that was rather humourous...but you forgot one thing. These so called pussies have now won 10 in a row. Not bad for a bunch of overrated players eh....It's a damn Canadian team with a small budget showing the whole league one- they are for real and two- you don't have to open the bank to get a winning team. And calling Markus and Todd.. whatever... really when's the last time #2 and #3 for top scoring for the season came from the SAME Canadian team...actually #1 was from a Canadian team as well but hey! And when's the last time a goaltender from a Canadian team led the league in wins....hmmm I'm not saying they're going to win the cup because a certain handful of American teams are going to go crazy at the trade deadline in an attempt to rent some player(s) to push them over the top. Vancouver as well as most of the other Canadian teams won't be able to do in essence they can't compete but it'll be damn fun watching them surprise a few. - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:11am
Wreaker of Havoc
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What he said!!! (cracks open a cold one in agreement) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:26am
Masturbating The War God
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I have faith in the canucks ability to fuck up when it counts, I am not worried about the cup coming here :D - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 1:19am
Trailer Park Boy Julian What is this Seriously, sentencedtoburn you sound like a sorry assed, redneck, pork rhined eatin' Oilers fan to me. The rest of you doubters, see you on the wagon come playoff time. Listen up, this is the deal fuckers: the Canucks record in the last year is something like 47-23-9-3 - the BEST in the league. Even the ol' loudmouth Don Cherry said the other night that, and I quote him, "...if they(the Canucks) hadn't blown that game against Detroit they would have won the series AND the Cup...." Bottom line: they ain't flukin' and you better get used to it the rest of the year - chumps. ;) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 4:05am
Wreaker of Havoc
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(Cracks open a 14th cold one...'hic' agreement) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 9:15am
jackass you ever notice how much Todd Bertuzzi resembles Sweetums???? - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 10:04am
Anonymous hahah. the scary thing is, he does. - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 10:26am
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Official Stanley Cup Count:

Edmonton Oilers: 5
Vancouver Canucks: 0

No one remembers or cares about second place (except Canucks fans, because that's all they have). The bandwagon sure is full though - for now. - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 2:18pm
RSBF well as far as the Stanley Cup Count goes, i'll spare y'all in listing how many that Habs are at cause it's such a high number, you might not understand what i'm saying (meaning, you'd need to have a couple of friends to be able to count it all out on fingers)

GO HABS GO! - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 3:16pm
Masturbating The War God
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bah, Don Cherry is poster boy for fucking Qizznos, he can shove his opinion up his ass. I'm setting fire to the canucks wagon! - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 3:23pm
Roy = Franch Faggot Shut up AVS fan traitor ! You havent ever even been to Colorado I bet, you turncoat! - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 3:26pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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The Habs. hahahahahahahaaha - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 4:23pm
RSBF YA, THE HABS, gotta problem with it mister? heeehehehe just don't hurt me ; ) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 4:33pm
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fuck yeah rsbf, don't worry I got your back yo!
GO HABS!!!!!!!!!
you mess with the butterfly, you mess with me!
ps. this means you ross!!!!hahaha - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 5:23pm
RSBF the butterfly and ladybug RULE! (oh ya, shar i dub you 'the ladybug' - my counterpart) - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 5:47pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian God bless Oilers fans like you sentencedtoburn, 'cause you remind me almost daily why I hate the Oilers sooooo much - cheers!! I knew you had to be an Oilers fan based on your bitchy comments about the Canucks. If you're soooo proud of the Oils accomplishments why do you need to hack the Canucks? I think I know - 'cause in your heart of hearts you know the Oil are doomed to be a second rate hockey team for years to come while the Canucks are on the rise. That's why your livin' in the past; speaking of which rsbf brings up a good point - compared to the Canadians all other teams are relative losers. But 'cause we all know that Habs fans are the ultimate bandwagon jumpers (unless they're from Montreal - Quebec, then they're allegiances are understandable ;) )and we don't wanna encourage 'em too much. The fact is diehard Canucks fans like me have had relatively little to cheer about over the years (in my case 20 odd long years) and it looks like we're being rewarded for our loyalty at last. If that bugs or annoys any of you, well that's too bad, deal with it - jackasses! ;p - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 5:50pm
the ladybug
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aww, rsbf i am soo honored!i didn't even have a speech prepared!haha,
all i can say is GO HABS!!! - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 5:53pm
RSBF or you could be PSLB - PunkStarLadyBug? - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 6:03pm
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punkstarladybug it is! i like it...i like it a lot!
fuck yeah, us bitches are unstopable! - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 6:37pm
Roofee Randy Cool nicknames. lets hook up - Mon, 2 Dec 2002 8:24pm
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Hmmm, let's see, I think the Oil just might be 7-1-1 in their last 9, only seven points back of your Nucks. Not too shabby for a "doomed team" me thinks. Oh and by the way the last 2 players to actually finish the season 1 and 2 in scoring on a Canadian team that were actually CANADIAN PLAYERS - Wayne Gretzky and Paul Coffey 1983-84. And what team was that for? That's what I thought. - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 2:29am
RAZOR i take it there's some kind of SPORTING event going on? shit, im a lousy canadian. - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 3:40am
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I love it when dudes can't drag themselves out of the past. Living in the past is hilarious. It's for cynical, hopeless losers who always got to have the last word and can't put faith in anything because they always, always have to be right. Sad guy, it's really too bad. Fuck the Edmonton Oilers and fuck disco and cotton pants too ypu bitter old man. Facts are facts, Canucks are the best team in the league for a year. Nothing you can say about it either sweetheart. LIVE IN THE NOW!!!!!!!! - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 6:15am
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I guess the NHL must be on the Bandwagon as well, seeing they just named DAN CLOUTIER "Player of the Month" for November......... - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 7:59am
Wreaker of Havoc
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1983-84 hahahahahahhaahahh. can you say quarter century! I guess youre a big Islanders fan too. wowee - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 9:26am
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awww zack, now YOU'RE being bitter.
common join me and mon, you KNOW you want to, don't fight it!
GO HABS - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 10:14am
Synthetic Oil How many guys from the Oilers Stanley Cup Seasons are still playing today? Messier? Gelinas? are there any others? - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 12:50pm
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Seems everyone here is really upset with me for having an opinion different than theirs. Ahhhh yes, my work here is done. Retards. - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 1:48pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Good one. Like a fool I feel... - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 2:19pm
Trailer Park Boy Julian Sentencedtoburn I am sooooo upset that you have a different opinion than mine that I haven't left my room since I first read your words... damn you!!!! - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 2:42pm
smokesnowletsgo hairdo - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 5:18pm
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I want you to give me two smokes right now cause yer so fucking stupid..... - Tue, 3 Dec 2002 7:36pm
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if that is directed to me you better fuckin run because that is it!
you me, parking lot after school, your ass is grass biatch!
ps. email me back dude! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:12am
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Ahhhh, one team's unbeaten streak crashes and burns, while another's lives on. Pity ain't it? Not really. - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 1:22pm
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Fucking Canucks. Can't win every single game? What the fuck? - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 1:46pm
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yeah haven't you heard, the canucks suck! sorry ross hate to be the one to break it to you! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 1:52pm
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10 wins in a row sweety. How are the Canadiens doing by the way? - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 2:00pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Thats right everyone the Canucks suck. get the fuck off the wagon. It was getting a little crowded on here lately anyway. - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 2:00pm
McDon Cherry pie Yah the Canucks suck, which is why they are in 2nd place in the league, finished last season with more wins than anyone, finished last season with 3 players in the top 10, 2 in the top 2, and 4 in the top 20. They also smoked Detroit in Detroit first two games of the playoffs, something Habs and Oilers never even got a chance to do.. sure the Wings came back, but they also took out the next 3 teams and won the cup. Teams the Canucks beat in this streak include the top seeded teams in the league Detroit, Minnesota, Lightning, Blues, ( and before anyone hacks the Lightning, dont forget all their straggler years has filled their roster with #1 and #2 draft picks for 5 years.. ) So far this year Naslund is in the top of the pack for goal scoring, Bertuzzi and Morrison are right behind him, today all points-wise Naslund is #5 overall, Bertuzzi is #11 and Morrison is #17, compare to Oilers top guys Anson Carter in #27 and Comrie in #42, and Montreals top guy Saku Koivu in #53 next guy is #71!! HECK our DEFENCEMANN Jovanovski is in #64!! So we have a defencemann scoring more than Montreals second highest points man.

Sure enough Oilers are playing well, only 5 points behind Vancouver, and it is sure nice to see the AVS finally bottom feeding in our division... Go Canadian Hockey! But the Canucks are still a better team all around... Watch for Edmonton's roster top surprise though.. they could easily be a streak team too.

PS: Why did the Canucks lose to struggling Islanders? Desperation, Peca, Yashin, Osgood, Canucks are tired on the road and after their 10th win Marc took them deep sea fishing in Florida, which Im sure was a drink fest.. so even after all that the Islanders still barely won against a very tired team.. lets see how they fare against New Joisey tonite! ! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 2:02pm
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okay, okay, so the cancucks are doing alright, BUT i do believe that we have seen this pattern before. they are just getting you guys stoked until they totally BLOW it!
by the way, how many stanley cups do the canucks have sweetie? :) - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 4:36pm
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7 in total. Don't you pay attention? - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 5:36pm
shar you know what, i am getting sick and tired of your smart ass remarks! ha!
by the way fucking email me back, i am going through a crisis right now doncha know?! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 5:54pm
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Ah yes success (Canucks) breeds jealousy and contempt from those not so... - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 7:18pm
McDon Cherry Pie Shar you dumbass. the point is that the old "last time around" claim on the Canucks is near irrellavant due to the fact that they are a completely NEW team with the exception of Naslund, The returning Linden, and .. and.. well thats it.. they are all new. - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 8:00pm
McDon Cherry Pie ALSO, so the habs have won a few cups.. ure they even got one this decade.. but the majority of the Habs cup wins, including the last one, were under completely different hockey systems, with different types of players and in the old days completely different teams.. go back far enough and there were only 7 teams anyhow,,, so what if they have won a crapload of cups? Let's see em do it now with todays system.. Oilers for that matter.. as hockey evolved all the big Oilers stars began to suck,, Messier, Gretzky , Coffey, Tikkanen, Anderson, Mctavish etc.. during their last five years each of NHL performance, all those players were not great. New system, new game, new players, new speed, new rules. - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 8:02pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Big Bert in OT! fuck ya. 10 of 12 possible points on this road trip. Not bad for a team that sucks!!! Montreal appear to be having a little trouble with Dallas at the moment....Oh no you dont. Youre not climbing back on this wagon!!! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 9:00pm
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ummm, the words Gretzky and sucks in the same sentence? Heathen. Your soul will burn. - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:23pm
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Nucks'back on track!...oh and Dallas! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:26pm
#17 Wendel Clark Last time i checked the Vancouver Canucks had about as many of Lord Stanley's rings and i fucking do.
You idiots. Get on the bandwagon before it's too late.
GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:48pm
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When's the last time the Leafs made it to the finals...ya I thought so. The closest they last came I think...yes I'm right..the Canucks knocked them off in 5 games in 94. The Habs and Leafs won all their cups when there were only a handful of teams (except for the 86 and 93 Habs). ALL the others where in a time when the game was totally different.So I guess what I'm saying is the Canucks have come a hell of a lost closer then the Leafs have in the last 20+ years..and go cannot argue that either! - Wed, 4 Dec 2002 11:27pm
McDon Cherry Pie Well as of tonight Bertuzzi is #7 overall in points and Morrison is #13.. Naslund stays at #6 in the league. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 3:23am
Rack Em Up If the useless Habs hadnt lost to the Stars tonite, the Canucks would be tied for #1 in the league. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 3:29am
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I said 2 smokes right now hairdo!!!! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 6:36am
Towley don't forget to bring a towel!!! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 9:30am
Towley you wanna get high? - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 9:31am
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GO HABS GO HABS GO HABS GO!!! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:10am
Wreaker of Havoc
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Its spelled "C-A-N-U-C-K-S" not "H-A-B-S". Now you have no excuse for spelling mistakes when it comes to being a Canuck fan. Welcome aboard shar..... - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:23am
Say It Again SHAR If the useless Habs hadnt lost to the Stars tonite, the Canucks would be tied for #1 in the league. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 12:57pm
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i will let you guys bask in your little canucks glory while you can, seeing how they have been such a HORRIBLE team for so long i guess that you guys deserve this.
BUT i still stand by my boys and i WILL say it again...GO HABS!!! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 2:00pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Are you sure? theres room for one more on this Lexus of a Canuck wagon if you want on. The old Hab wagon isnt going anywhere without wheels sitting in the ditch.... - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 2:09pm
get back to work Yes Aaron this means you. ha ahhahahahahahhaahh hahahaha ahaha ahha ahahahaah - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 2:12pm
Hey Shar As much as the HABS have won a crapload of cups ( only 2-3 of which count in the last 15-20 years ) you gotta admit, the HABS have been a fucking horrible team for about as many years as the Canucks if you add up all the bad HABS years ever and compare to bad Canucks years ever.. dont forget the Canucks have had some STELLAR years too and have almost won the cup a few times. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 2:16pm
Wreaker of Havoc
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Ah yes work. Your tax dollars hard at work. hahahaha - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 2:33pm
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yes hun but ALMOST is the word of the day.
the HABS actually have won the cup many a times.
and yes i will admit that the habs haven't been having their best year, BUT in all fairness we haven't given the canucks enough time to screw it all up, like they will!
bwah! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 3:56pm
Shar is on crack the HABS have been having BAD years for decades. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 7:31pm
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Have you ever even been to Montreal Shar? - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 8:33pm
Mark Wallace (Bass Hoochy)
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The canucks, when they are on their game, can rival any of the best teams in the league. Unfortunately they can get sloppy. As long as they peak in the playoffs they can go far, i believe it. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 9:15pm
Anonymous The national hockey leauge is a piece of shit.... "ooh, my parents were rich so I got to play hockey and go to hockey camp, ,etc etc... and now people actually watch me PLAY A GAME and get excited if I win!" Way to support shit, peoples! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 9:29pm
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hey, hey , hey no need to get snappy "shar is on crack", geez you sound as bad as a fucking soccer mom!
and no ross i have not been to montreal, hear it's real nice. why was that an invitation to go? love to! - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 10:02pm
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No Montreal, no Habs fan. - Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:58pm
Sparkles Who's going to the game on Sat? - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 12:15am
Shar the crack ho hey Shar! Quit smokin so much crack! the Habs are all coke fiends like Roy! - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 2:51am
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vicious, vicious people.
no montreal? aww how come? - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 10:20am
hockey mom To the asshole who says the NHL is shit...My boys both play hockey and go to camps, dryland training ect...It is expensive, and we are far from rich. We make sacrifices so our sons can play this amazing sport and reap all the benefits of team play ect. They also make sacrifices as far as their social lives go because of their dedication to the game and their teammates. It is highly unlikely either of them will ever play at a pro level, but they will take some valuable lessons into their adult life as well as an appreciation of a great sport. The boys who do get to "The big show" are hardly spoiled rich kids it takes a huge commitment and a lot of personal integrity to make it to that level...something of which you obvously know nothing about. Please don't breed you moron. - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 12:11pm
Bryan McCabe Go Leafs Go!!!
On December 31st we'll see who REALLY is the best team in Canada... - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 12:21pm
RSBF we went to Montreal and attended some practices and games at the Forum in 1990 - a total dream trip. Russ Courtnall set it all up for us and my dad and bro got to go into the dressing room and meet all the boys..... back in the days of Chelios, Richer, Roy, Keane, Smith, Odelein (a fave of mine) Courtnall, Naslund (Mats that is), etc. - unfortunately, i was NOT allowed to enter the dressing room cause i'm a GIRL - BAH! - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 1:55pm
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aww sweetie, you would think that you WOULD be allowed in the dressing room for that very reason. heh.
well that does it, you and me will just have to make a trip to montreal oursleves then. when the boys get a load of us, we'll be in that dressing room. ha! - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 4:06pm
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you don't have to worry about a thing in the Habs dressing room there dearies. You'll be surrounded by 25 or so "men" who, shall we say, are faggots. - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 5:02pm
kate you say the word 'faggot' as if being gay is a bad thing. - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 5:31pm
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aww ross, are we just jealous becuase we didn't make it into the NHL?
here, have a beer to help the sting. - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 6:08pm
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Actually, no I don't say faggot as if it's a bad thing. read it again. And as for you Shar,..................................xsniffx.......yer right. Where's my beer(s)... - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 7:07pm
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comeout tomorrow ross and beer will be awaiting. we'll drink till we can't drink no more. all the sting will be gone then, AND our livers! - Fri, 6 Dec 2002 8:06pm
Sakooo TomVoo Awww po' widdle Montw'eal got beat by da big bawd Avawanch - Sat, 7 Dec 2002 3:39am
McDon Cherry Pie Oilers Fucking SUCKIN IT tonite arent they! Go Naslund! HAHA Salo! Punch Bert, get Bert's revenge! - Sat, 14 Dec 2002 10:21pm
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Canucks 6 Oilers 3...need I say more... - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 12:57am
Trailer Park Boy Julian There are few things I enjoy in life more than a whiskey after a Canucks win against the Oilers.... - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 1:14am
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correction...Naslund 4 Oilers 3.. - Sun, 15 Dec 2002 1:25am
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Has anybody noticed that Bertuzzi plays differently depending on his facial hair? Last year when he shaved his sideburns so that he looked like Jason Zimmer he played like a girl. When he stopped shaving altogether he played like a man possessed. Clean shaven he plays a skill game, but when he lets it get ugly, he starts to hit more. Also his gulag haircut seems to have made him a bit uglier and angrier. God help us if he ever decides to impress some broad with his pointy sideburns again. - Wed, 18 Dec 2002 8:50pm
McDon Cherry Pie Ahahahah looked like Jason Zimmer and played wimpy.. oh me oh my but that is a funny one!

But Scott, you do make a good point. Bertuzzi would definately be a logger if he wasnt a hockey player. - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:23am
Zipp Gunn
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The smartest thing that the nux have done all year is jettison Hlavac and Druken, both lazy underachievers. They got Malik (a steady, unspectacular d-man) and Langdon (a tough guy with some skill), both of which they needed. The Sedins will come around someday; they are great in the corners, even though they have something like 5 goals between them. Now I wish they would pick up Igor Larionov and make him a playing assistant coach. They could use a good centre, he's relatively cheap and he owns a house in Van so he would probably like it there. He could play until he's 50! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:43am
McDon Cherry Pie I too have confidence in the Sedins. Pack a few more pounds on em and they wont get knocked around as much. Look at all the cheap players we have that hunger so badly for victory! But how long till Bert realizes his true worth and demands a raise only to sink into superstar obscurity?

Larionov would be a great addition. err... re-addition.

To the moon this year baby! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 3:56am
Donnie Black Philleeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! - Thu, 19 Dec 2002 2:09pm
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