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HALLOWEEN PARTY w/ Seasons of Sorrow, S.I.C.K, Desensitized & Peruke
Message Board > General Chitchat > HALLOWEEN PARTY w/ Seasons of Sorrow, S.I.C.K, Desensitized & Peruke
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Where: 1075 TOLMI *(Tolmi and Quadra)
When: Halloween - Friday October 31,2003
With: Seasons of Sorrow, S.I.C.K, Desensitized & Peruke

BYOBNS (bring your own booze n' sluts) - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 2:20pm
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Allright!! Finally a fuckin' show with PERUKE!!!!!

See all you sacs O' shit halloween!

\m/ - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 3:16pm
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Fully - and for the brave - Im thinking of doing a tresure hunt for the kittens in jars - there only about 3 years old - dibs on soupy - that one was my fav. - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 3:30pm
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Awwwwwww dude, count me in on that shit!!!

*I've seen one like a year or two ago, diddn't get a good look but this time I plan on opening a jar ;)*

PPS: Ill bring my 1000n'1 ways to cook a kittie cookbook! - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 4:02pm
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whats the book called - how to get pussy hot ?

now if you think opening a jar is hardcore - I betcha two beers and a hoe that I can make some dude drink from one of the jars (ya a halloween mission beyond getting falling down drunk)...

I already made mike and shane (*drummer from SICK) kiss a few years ago - that in itself was a stomach turning event too but hey ... all in the name of rock n roll :) - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 4:39pm
Messages Posted:
Thats funny, Tony didnt mention it last night.. - Sat, 11 Oct 2003 4:54pm
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AAwwwwwwwwwww NASTY AL!

Shit I diddn't know you've known those fuckers for any lengh of time, considering how much I used to pop over, I'm suprised we diddn't meet before we did!

And if you actually accomplish your goal youd better get me to take a few pix or else im not gonna be a very happy fuckin camper! - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 12:42am
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Hey wow, S.I.C.K. and Desensitized?!? Gonna be a fun gig! Yeah Shane is a wikid drummer, though I haven't talked to any of those guys for month's now (I also know Flee). Wait a sec, not THOSE jars, methinks I know what your talking about. :( - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 1:36am
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Hey Mike what can I say I had the inside scoop = Peruke was the last to conf. twas going to be within a vision but they couldnt do it.

Death Im not Al - Im Chrystal as in Chryst al Mighty.. punny inst it. I will give you a hint or two though - Al lives in my house - and Im a hooker booker and work with Dave...

We may have met - but Im usually to drunk to make friends - unless I think their my boyfriend from behind and hang off them and wisper in thier ears... btw- who the fuck was that mike...

i was tooo drunk at Logans last week whooo doubles for 50cents more - well I guess I would be stupid if i didnt say yes to that.

and yes Griphin THOSE jars =) - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 8:45am
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wait just a second christ almighty, you've wispered in my ear at a couple of those parties. There's no mistaking blonde hair for long black hair. Can I count on you this halloween sweetcheeks??? - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:08am
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Crystal... can't say it doesn't ring a bell...

I've probably met ya in the kitchen once or twice.

On new years I was the drunk banger passed out next to the dude who got POV'd then sent home if that helps! ahha - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:16am
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shutup - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:38am
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no you shut up - and when i look at you I throw up :P see now thats AL. snobby MFer didnt even say Hi when you were getting off the ferries on friday - ur ass is grass now buddy ;P

Griphin - I just found out who you are - thought you could hide behind a nick you silly little philly.... gotz any new moterhead shirts for me - I herd you got beet up by more girls - good to see im not the only one pickin on ya.

Death you remember newyears ? dam i dont even remember what city i was in - btw what the hell is POV'd? - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:58am
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so apparently i am supposed to go to this. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:12am
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Wow. This is like a big party in itself. Paaaartaay. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:14am
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Hey wow, I know who you are now, but I always thought you knew I was Griphin. Yes, has been awhile. I never hide behind my /nick, tho'. Yeah, the assault happened month's ago, old news really. How goes the web designing? - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 11:57am
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Yes E n P you should come it will be a rockin head bangin fun time. - Make sure you tell all your hot & easy girlfriends too...

Griphin Im sorry I was teasin about the hiding behind your nick - and really the thing about imberessing shite like getting beet up by two girls is... its never really old news - just ask Quin about his pink panties...

And as for webdesigning - Ive taken a break from demeaning women on line for profit - Im no longer a pornographer - now im a pimp..

speaking of which if there are any ladies out there who are hurting for cash and want to make a little quick money... find me at the party LOL - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 12:24pm
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Heh... yeah, you had a great idea, and I'm glad you made a ton of cash exploiting it. If only I had thought of that idea :( - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 12:40pm
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Hey I am down, SOS rule. If I bring 20 bucks for the hookers and go through you, what kind of deal can I get? - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 2:06pm
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Christ Almighty - I was considering letting you recruit me, but I have this instinctual feeling the interview process wouldn't go so desk diving for me! Oh yah - I seem to remember you whispering sweet nothings into my ear at a few of those Tolmie parties, pretty hard to mistake my hair for j's. Can I count on you this Halloween shnookums? - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 2:12pm
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Make ya a deal Metalneck - u drink some pussy juice from the kitty jars and I will comp. you one free ho for 30 min. full service. - deal ?

CAK - I love ya and all but I dont think theres a big market for tattooed covered freaks... dont worry thoe it will be like the good old days we can sit in the corner getting drunk and slammin all the people not as cool as us .. so you know EVERYONE - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 2:18pm
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Thats disappointing... ISKRA and BURY WHATS DEAD is also playing a Halloween show on Burnside!! Too bad the shows weren't combined, I'd really like to see Peruke play for old times sake!! SOS would also be nice to see, haven't yet. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 3:45pm
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oh we had egos back then didn't we! Too bad confidence is should be fun just the same. We should go to the rats nest too, split the evening up, I'm sure we can find a corner there too....what does know EVERYONE mean???? I'm not comprehending...... - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 4:13pm
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yes yes we were snoby cunts - now we're just bitter cunts (insert joke here) hahah - I think its totally acceptable to make fun of people as long as you can point the finger at yourself from time to time - right wreaker of havok?

sooo the rats nest - yes - lets crash every halloween party we can find.

and as in you know EVERYBODY... bad punctuation (remeber im illiterate) It was just a joke that were better then everyone... well more like reality then a joke ;) but you know. - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 4:38pm
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so are ppl gonna be dressed up at this party because it is halloween...but im sure my costume will be normal looking - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 4:56pm
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Yah I know....that's a big 10-4.... - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 4:57pm
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Ya eboner - everyone will be dressing up like headbangers - so you know warn thin shirts from the 80s, leathers, nail gauntlents, long hairs - and as the final touch on the costumes none of em are showering for the whole week before... whooo METAL \m/ - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 5:08pm
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sweeeeet \m/ \m/

um i wont be dressed like - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 5:46pm
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heh choader boy! - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 6:52pm
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Heh... I'll probably show up as my usual loveable self, have too many beers as per usual, then try to figure out how the hell I made it home (as per usual). :) - Sun, 12 Oct 2003 10:58pm
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i didnt see you, i was half cut by the time i got off the ferry.sooooorrrrrry!!! jeez it was friday, what did you expect? o well, at least lou shutup.hahaha death you fucker!!! - Mon, 13 Oct 2003 1:13am
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Oh hahaha, sorry I couldn't respond sooner, I was too busy seeing Goatwhore,Vader,Amon Amarth, Kreator and Nile ;)

And hey, don't blame me, I was told Christ Al Mighty was you. - Mon, 13 Oct 2003 7:29pm
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Dam Al now i feel kind of bad for violating myself with your toothbrush.... dam hope we can still be friends ;P

Death what can i say - your sources for information suck. Ill make sure to introduce myself on halloween - I will be the bitch taking bets on some poor sucker drinking pussy juice from the kitty jars in exchange for a little one on one time with one of my whores. - Mon, 13 Oct 2003 10:36pm
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Anyhow, I do plan to show up. BTW Chryst: I have no more Motorhead shirts to give you, you got a deal with that last shirt, haven't you picked up a GordonHead shirt from Old Nick's yet? - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 2:23am
Rubber Box
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hey christ al mighty i think it would be more disgusting to fuck the pussy juice in the jar and drink from the whore....any bets? - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 10:30am
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I heard the Rat's Nest soiree was on Sat, due to an outdoor party in Central Saanich on Halloween night. Can anyone confirm this? Has anyone been to the parties at H... Field before? I've heard it's rather big with several bands, 300-400 people and a massive bonfire. I need somewhere special to wear my swank costume :) - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:14pm
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The outdoor saanich halloween partys fucking suck if youre talking abouyt the yearly one at centennial square, mabye youd have fun if youre a hick, child or parent...

Central Saanich sucks, and you can trust me I live here.

As for Rats Nest.. No clue WTF that is. - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:34pm
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This party's at a place called 'Hammer's Field' or so I'm told and Mickey Christ (and others) are playing. Hopefully it wasn't a secret...Oops! ;) - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 12:53pm
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I thought that gig already happened. I heard Micky Christ (and possibly The Remanes) played some party, though I could be getting the venues wrong. Wish I had made it. - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 1:25pm
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Maybe I'm confused too. But I heard it from Kev, It's definitely Halloween night and his other band (BBJ) is playing...but I could of sworn he mentioned MC too. I can confirm on Friday for those interested. I'm not sure if it's open to anyone...but I'm planning to crash it anyway :) - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 3:14pm
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well hell hell Rubber Box- I think we could take bets on both - see who pukes first... hmmm this will be a great halloween! - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 3:40pm
Rubber Box
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my money is on the whore eating kitten fucker - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 3:48pm
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o.O - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 7:18pm
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yes, actually rats nest party is on Saturday, which works out perfect for some of us. Can't ask for a better weekend!..... - Choader boy....that's what Jakester has informed me of, so I'm kind of sure....sort of...... - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 7:49pm
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well.... Ill be slingin whores on saterday night till 4amish so... looks like im going to have to party two nights worth on halloween to make up for missing gary's annual halloween bash. - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 8:24pm
created to kill
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i thought the rats nest was shut down a long time ago
FYI DEATH, its just off burnside rd by tempo trend music , correct me if im wrong anyone?? - Tue, 14 Oct 2003 8:36pm
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aCk... not choader boy!!! :) Rats Nest is on Cecelia, which is one block over, methinks. - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 1:43am
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Rat's Nest is alive and well despite erroneous rumours in the community that Gary was moving. - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:14am
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I heard through Mike the rats nest party is happening, not to sure of the date but Saturday works for me !

Right on Chryst_al_Mighty sounds like grotesque fun ! I�ll make sure I bring extra drugs for the class ! - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 2:45pm
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I was at the Rats nest last halloween. It was a good night. First time I saw the McGillicuddys. - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 3:20pm
created to kill
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as i said just OFF burnside.......... - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 3:42pm
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The trick is to invite that Pablo Escobar dude to the party - that usually enables a play through to the next day.

XY your bringing drugs to share... see Eboner even more reason to bring your hot n easy friends... whooo. - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 4:52pm
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so what time is this party going to start kickin? or shall we just show up when we happen to stumble apon the door step? - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 9:31pm
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thats all relitive to how many hot n easy girls your bringing - the more girls - the earlier you should show up ;P - Wed, 15 Oct 2003 10:28pm
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What a good idea! - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 11:57am
Rubber Box
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looks like a halloween full of hollow whores - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 12:00pm
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Yep. Mabye someone wants to volunteer to hand out hand flyers at boom boom?

you know... insurance.. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 3:01pm
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ill bring 3. myself and 2 others. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 4:40pm
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excellent Eboner - bring two more and you will all get in for free :) Im sure a few boys will set aside some VIP (Vaginal Insereted Penis) seating for you ... - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 4:52pm
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oh so i have to pay? ladies arent as speshal as they used to be i much shall i bring along? gimme more details on this party. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 5:07pm
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No the party is free - that was just a test - and guess what you PASSED :) cya there. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 5:09pm
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haha ok. what if i changed my mind all of a sudden? - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 5:10pm
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Then you will be lynched and no longer able to show your face in public. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 5:17pm
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haha i was joking im so there. - Thu, 16 Oct 2003 5:20pm
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Miss a S.I.C.K. gig?!? Dear god man! - Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:59am
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Bump !! - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 12:15am
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screw costumes - what will everyone be drinking. Im thinking of the old standerd vodka sprite 60/40 mix. - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 9:08am
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fuck mixers and chases how about me drinking mine straight. dam whats wrong with you kids? cant handle it? - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 4:30pm
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Cuz my liver has 10 years on yours chicky... hahha ok - Ill have a shooter contest with you pick your posion... - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 4:32pm
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I'll drink yuz both under the table! - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 7:37pm
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I could drink anyone under the table, cept I have to work the next morning, and I hate working drunk. Course, I dare anyone to shoot back a Flee Bite! - Sun, 19 Oct 2003 11:17pm
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Humm, sounds interesting...

What are the ingredients of this turbo concution???

If it involves anything from a jar, im in! - Mon, 20 Oct 2003 3:57pm
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Whooo looks like i have another prospect to drink from the pussy jars (guess deaths experience with natalies has him all ready for dealing with infectious substances).

- now whos gonna be the brave soal and fuck the kitty jar and drink from the whore??? - Mon, 20 Oct 2003 4:01pm
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Chicken shits - Bump! - Fri, 24 Oct 2003 5:13pm
Rubber Box
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I bet Funbrain would make a terrific whore eating kitten fucker - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:05am
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Hey are you organizing all this Chryst? If you are the enchanted faeries are wondering if they can bring their gear and play early at this party. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 2:24pm
Rubber Box
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Flea is organizer......death could put you in touch with him - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 2:56pm
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Yep only thing im orginizing is getting myself waisted and trying to make someone drink from the kitty jars. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 3:54pm
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Cool thanks. - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 4:08pm
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Hey Chryst, at least you guys have a sure fire way to clear out a room in less then 5 seconds, open one up in the middle of the pit (but dear god, don't drop the glass, you'll probably end up melting the equipment, as well as a few unfortunate bi-standards. ;) - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 7:53pm
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Now that might just be a little to hardcore for the masses - but a good idea just the same. I can still remember the smell of the kitties when they were inside pets.... (you know before the boys realized they didnt have a proper seal on any of the jars) - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 8:29pm
korn koiler
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What a party of losers. You guys have fun at your little pajama party. - Thu, 30 Oct 2003 9:34am
Rubber Box
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And you have fun spanking it and drinking you own cum...moron - Thu, 30 Oct 2003 11:31am
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DOH a pajama party - dam I wish we were as intelligent as Korn Norm that way we would have had time to tell all the girls to wear lingerie and it would have given the boys like Koiler time to stuff their boxer shorts. :( sigh this party is going to suck now that I know what it could have been.... - Thu, 30 Oct 2003 3:33pm
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Is using "little" in a burn suppose to be..................belittling?????....I just don't know.... - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 12:45am
korn koiler
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I think Ill come to the party. Will I be welcomed or beaten? - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:00am
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chryst_al_mighty:: shooter contest it is!! ill be bringing my beer..and maybe some tequila..but i doubt ill have anything..because ill drink the hard stuff before i get there..but its on..oh its on.. - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:36am
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p.s. how am i gunna know who you are? - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:38am
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She will be the one wearing the strap-on fucking a box of cheerios, I do believe. - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 12:38pm
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Wish I could have made it to , to much going on !

See yea at the ratsnest ! - Fri, 31 Oct 2003 11:21pm
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Holy scruba dub dub central there last night. We ditched the skid pard pretty quickly and went to the one out at Hammer's Field or whatever the fuck in Central Saanich. It was pretty good. The bonfire was toasty. - Sat, 1 Nov 2003 12:20pm
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Yeah Hammer's field was great! All was fun until my poor mate broke her ankle. Crappy end to an otherwise fine evening. BTW thanks to everyone who assisted.

Cheers! - Sat, 1 Nov 2003 2:24pm
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Broker her ankle, eh? How'd that happen? I can breaking an ankel whilst walking up that blasted hill.
What one were you? Were you dressed up? I noticed that a lot of lame-os weren't. I was the sexy beast in the blue mac jacket with the Bruins jersey, with the beat up face. I was with the nuns, the jester, and the grim reeper dude. - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 12:37am
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"Holy scruba dub dub central there last night."

well arent you just pristine and clean. - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 11:41am
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Fuckin eh.\7\guuqo9/en0sfehp.jpg

I think you have to cut and paste that link for it to work. - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 1:50pm
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Well looking like that you shoulda fit right in :D - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 2:50pm
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That's a great pic! Incredible bonfire! My friend met her fate whilst dancing to The Nibblers, when a bunch of drunken fellows fell over and crushed her (quite unintentionally). I was a short grim reaperish gal hanging with "Alex" from Clockwork Orange. We will definitely hit Hammer's field next year for All Hallow's Eve. - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 4:10pm
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I heard what happened, I hope she's doing well. Yeah, it was a fluke accident, and the people I talked to were totally impressed how she acted after the injury occured. Hearing about what happened freaked me out, seriously. - Sun, 2 Nov 2003 4:51pm
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I'll just hijack this thread once again bwahahahahha! Yeah freak accident to be sure, but she's doing fine now and is being sprung from the hospital today. She had a few pins put in and is sporting a fancy red cast. No worries she'll be back wreaking havoc again soon...cast or no cast. Once again, thanks on behalf of T Racy for everyone's help. - Mon, 3 Nov 2003 10:30am
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Hooolay.. She was in the hospital for that long? That's gotta suck. - Mon, 3 Nov 2003 9:08pm
T Racy
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Hey, Alex is out so watch out! Actually, held hostage at friends' until I can manage all those bloody stairs I built into my own house. At the mercy of others - you can pity me for that, but as for the ankle . . it's happened before, and it'll probably happen again. Unless I learn how to dance, of course. And perhaps anger management might help :) hence the choice of costume in the first place?

It was a great night and sincere thanks to all the droogs who helped, those I know and those I didn't. Gary and Steph rock, as do others who's names I was perhaps too in shock and full of the 'ultra-violets' to remember.
I have a bionic ankle now, so god knows what next year will bring, but I know I can't ever look like Lindsay Wagner- thank god- so the costume search is on again. Perhaps something that limps??? Any suggestions? - Wed, 5 Nov 2003 9:56am
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It's Alivvvvvveeee!!!! Heya T Racy! You may be trapped by the good samaritans, but at least you have computer access. :) So when can we plan your welcome home fondue and keg party? ;) ;) I think we'll skip the dancing though, unless you're getting adept with the crutches. - Wed, 5 Nov 2003 11:28am
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